Starting from a young age Russ Swalberg knew that he had passion for design, water features, and plants. The story goes that every spring after long Utah winters Russ would drag all those who were in his house out to see the lone crocus flower blooming in the front garden, a small sign that there was life after the long cold Utah winter.
Most children at that young age could care less about things like plants and ponds and would spend what money they had on candy and other small toys and video games. That was not the case for Russ, he was planning what landscape lights he could acquire, and studied how water flowed around the rocks and dirt in the gutter. At a young age Russ gave up his small kiddy pool for a much more important purpose: the pond portion of a water feature. Utilizing items that were laying around the house like an old water bed bladder (Pond Liner), a swap cooler pump, and flagstone, Russ created his first water feature.
Coupling his love of plants, water, and the outdoors he knew that he wanted to design landscapes. Feeling that it was his responsibility to take every opportunity to help family, friends, and neighbors re-work their landscaping (to what he thought their landscape should be like), Russ worked towards his goal of being a "world famous designer".
To further his knowledge, Russ obtained a bachelors degree in Horticulture and Landscape Design/Architecture from Utah State University. Within his studies at USU he focused his studies towards design utilizing low water use and native plants, as well as researching the extraction of essential oils from those plants.
Having worked for almost 2 decades maintaining, installing, and designing landscapes, his ambitions of having his own design firm has come full circle with the creation of Exterior Spaces LLC. Blending the needs and wants of his clients, with years of knowledge and expertise; Russ is able to create your Exterior Space or spaces that can be enjoyed for many years to come.